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Free Trial
- Publication:
- Bath County News-Outlooki
- Location:
- Owingsville, Kentucky
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- 3
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it I 1 4A 4 11a Brl STATE NEWS PICKUPS ISTATE I i aS I CC CI to 1 LOCKED THE CHURCH DOORS bX A Constable Searched the Armed Wor I I ames sniper at White Oak I Greenup Ky May 8At Big White Oak a large congregation had gather ham 4 ted at tho church for public worship ty Jut ls he mInIster had read his text Hill Constable Nando Felly announced that day several persons present had pistols on post their persons and that ho proposed ty make 1 search lie lockrll the federal 2r whereupon about 20 young men ham tjllmped out of the windows and began rob in promiscuous and indiscriminate Jesl kSlootIng The entire neighborhood Leh was terrorized and the meeting broken 1898 ip He rhe constable captured Jackson 4 Jacksonwa was Bimdy and Conrad Lucas nnd bero them to tho Greenup re nup Jail Tuesday a Lucas pleaded guilty In quarterly Der rourt and Judge Bennett fined him and 1e S25 and ten days In tho county jail ham RocI Felty has returned to the neighbor 1 ehood 4t nil the offenders are punished No ono seems to know what so many armed men were doing in the church unless The was a spirit of deviltry as no ono seemed to be murderously Inclined 1 NOT FOR HIM prcme pm met 4 iFormer Governor Bradley Says Hes Not a Candidate For Governor and Jnn i Louisville Ky May 29Former 20 GOT Bradley Thursday night is from sued a statement denying tbe report in i that ho will be a candidate for the ro 1 publican nomination for governor can i vhis his name to be used and that he hasc id retired from politics for good He will Thl 4t now devote his entire time to the praca cted atlce In his statement Gov Bradley en dorecs the candidacy of Hon A 7 Willson of this city saying he is the cr I strongest of the three candidates now jured In the race He further states that fence i dr Wilson has no hope of being np story i 4 of pointed to the United States supreme exr bench when Judge Harlan resigns I pital pin Ing 4 iNOTNECESSARV Pharmacists Need Not Register to Sell IProprIetary MediclnesMu I blo I Frankfort Ky May 291n the case Lick of the Kentucky board of pharmacy gram I vs Cassaday and others from Loxlni barn SI Is the court of appeals Thursday deTh tided that the selling of patent prodla I prfetary medicines bjr retail dealers are not pharmacists was not anJ rftensc under the pharmacy act reoa aged quiring persons who sell drugs to be kfe JL rasieterod pharmacists The Lexlng In fton court refused tofine Cassaday andh is others for selling a patent sub acIdno no drink which possessed medicinal quatea ease flies and was so advertised and theca court of appeals upholds the lower 7 courta a LIME IN HIS FACEmE raent Man With Only One Good Eye Is tjows son i Totally Blind 1000 1ti tie Louisville Ky May 30 Friday go morning Alex Green was preparing paid some lime for whitewash He poured tithe water on the lime when there was Ta1ran e3pl0810n the hot lime flying In I every direction He had but one good en eye having been blind in one for kll years and the lime struck in the good qu eye putting It out Green is subjects to apoplexy and when the lime struck In him he fell close to the bucket caus i thl lag his face to receive a severe burn a Ing i A Mountain Napoelon I oSergent JyMay 30The North m4 ern Coal and co*ke Co in which ser co oral Cincinnati capitalists are stock he holders as well as Senator Camden and Iof West Virginia is buying property grIn and around the famous Elkhorn creek coal belt In Eastern Letcher fir county The Northern Co will build co*king town the largest in the south 4 nt Elkhorn John Mayo of Palntsvlllp the Napoleon of the mona an tains Is leading the corporation TIn Favor of the City i IFrankfort Ky May 30Tbe court WI I of appeals reversed the Kenton clr Ct cult court in the case of the city of Covington vs Bradford Shinkle The Jt app lIee sued out an injunction reo I a i straining Edward Zela delinquent tax If5T i collector from selling property at ty 4a Madison and Seventh street for taxes nl I The court ordered the Injunction diet cI asolved and finds in favor of the city cc fi I Vanderbilt Training School Smiths Grove Ky May 29The I a 4 34 5 commencement exercises of theVan ti derbllh training school of this place t1 wit begin next Sunday Drr b1 tp Early of Bowling Green will preach a I the commencement sermon in the Bap by i tist church Sunday An elaborate pro hi ti i gram has been announced a Dug Through the Wall Leltchfleld Ky May 30Ben But Tarn charged with housebreaking es It caped from thc epunty Jail by picking Uie bricks from the Avail and letting 0 himself down to the ground with a blanket rope The sheriff and a posse 1 arejn pursuit 11 County Attorney to Meet Paducah Kf May 30At a special a meeting of the First District County Attorneys association here Friday aft ernoon It was decided to hold lewas state meeting at Dawson Springs on 11 July 8 9 and 10 Chemical Lime Kiln 1 Cloverport Ky May 28A combus tion company Is making plans for a 1 chemical lime kiln to be built at Web rster Ky near this city The chemical 1 i lime to be made Is used In the man 11 1i faciuro of white paper as a power for blenching cotton Convict Committed Suicide Frankfort Ky May 28 George is White of Wayne county servIng a 4 ii4 twoyear sentence for manslaughter vyS committed suicide in the penitentiary I Wednesday afternoon by throwing I himself over a 40foot raIlingc 4 i Virgil Smith Appointed Frankfort Ky May 29Judge Smith of Richmond havIng declin 1 aa ed to preside in the case of Sarah 1 forcing against Vincent Boreing In I the Laurel circuit court Gov Beckham 0 appointed Judge Virgil Smith of Som 1 ersct 1 Receiver For a Paper Louisville Ky ay29A receiver was appointed for the Evening Post Cobi United States Judge Evans I Thiirsdayafternoon on moton of 5 KnolL of JCi niesi City who has secilr 4 cd ji0SBieat onnotes for 0o9Q Z5 i fJ i 4aat fts4 1 i tyTl5V I aJ 4 7 tr ern ea ROBBED POST OFFICE alld sarI Durham Held For Trial at Lex lrl Ington I yha9 Lexington I Mn Dursta Ky May 30J3S Dur casm aged 28 years of Jessamine cOlmcas was tried btfore Commlssiontr of of the United States court Frt ri ly ism for Into theIsn1 breaking and robbing then office nt Edcnton Madison coun ot ed on May 22 nml was hold to the the deral grand jury in ball of 00 Durthe in his trial Friday confessed int robbing tho post office at Ambrose ter Jessamine county and also the lttexj Lebanon office Jessamine county Inor mid for which ho was never arrested gave tho name of the man who pot Implicated with him In the robsh God of tbe last two named places anllGOI warrant was placed in the hands of cor Im Deputy United States Marshal TruoIm ho will go after the man Durel also robbed tho post office atreC Rockcastlo In 1898 for which he serv two years UNIFORM RANK OF PA Supreme Assembly Met In Anl1ualJ Session In LouIsvilleaft CICJoulsl11e reme assembly uniform rank of rIm1 In annual session In Louisville Ifactory Wednesday MaJ Gen Carnahan tlu Adjt Gen George Powell ot Stl Indianapolis accompanied by about 2f other members of the assembly small om various states spent the day visit the parks with a view to selecting site for the biennial national en and campracnt which will be held In Louis tank llo next year The site will be do near ll on at the executive session built Thursday and other business trans tm into io ono Injuries Proved Fatalw was Newport Ky May 30Samuel Roswa the carpenter who was horribly In red by being Impaled on an Iron nce in a fall from the roof of a two Tory house on West Eleventh street expired In great agony at Speers hos at an early hour Friday morn gr4 Work For Bloodhoundn qu Wilmore Ky May 29 Detective Br Mulligan and his famous English noon bloodhound Nick Carter left for Paint the ick in a buggy in response to a tele ram A large hemp and tobacco tree and a lot of stock is burning cued cause is supposed to be incen iary the Found Dead In HIs Yards Paducah Ky May 28Al Moore ged 29 a wellknown resident of Hlnwi klevllle was at daybreak found dead his yard He was restless and left bed about midnight and was seen more until found dead Heart dis ase is supposed to have been tho cause Big Cattle Shipment has Wiinore Ky May 28A big ship po ent of export cattle was made 1fix Curleys distillery at Camp Nel last Wednesday Glass Ruble sold men 000 head of 1100 pounds slopfed cat WI to Simon Wiehl of Lexington too Jt to New York for export The prlco aid was 411j cents Ing 11 Dlekenson Brothers Acquitted Mai Vanceburg Ky May 28The Dick cnson brothers and James Klscr for killing tho Dyer brothers were acquItted having shown a clear case of SI selfdefense The criminal docket It Ie the best shape it has been for years In there not iScirig any cassof murder cart of manslaughter manslaughterCommencement Commencement Day Exercises sl Lexington Ky May 28Com mencement day exercises of Hamilton college which were held In the opera house Wednesday attracted a largo 01 nd select audience There were 35 el graduates and one post graduate Miss LI Mary Virginia Hagerman was awarded of first hoior In Found Not Guilty Louisville Ky May 29Roy King attendant at the Lakewood asylum I was found not guilty of assaulting Dr Minor an Inmate of the Institution The defense pleaded that Dr Minor was suffering from delusion of perse IT cution tI tI Expelled By the Shakers Bowling Green Ky May 29John Mason a member of the Shaker society of South Union who brought suit against A Johns trustee of the so IJ ciety said Thursday that he had re II ceived a written notice of expulsion from the society rt societyStruck Struck By a Train Augusta Ky May 29Vhilo returning from Cincinnati on the eastbound accommodation John fa*gInI leading tobacco dealer was struck the westbound flyer at Mentor and I had his left arm broken and was oth erwise badly bruisedt Boy Killed By Cars Plnerllle Ky May 30Whl1o comIng from the Straight creek minest Willie Smith 15 was jumping from one bank car to nother when he struck Jila head against the roof I1dthe was thrown under the cars He died later Residence Burned By Lightning Harrorlsburgi Ky May 30lJSht 1 ning set fire to VanArsdalls handsome residepce The building was consumed No Insurance The nlarge tobacco barn of Jake Mugueleya was also struck and burned Fisherman Accidentally Drowned ISVanccbnrg Ky Mar 29 Charles Foxworthy whose home Isnt Inth Carmel Ky while with a party In aof boat fishing on Klnnlklnnick creek at 1 Beaver pond was accidentally drown 1 ed Thursday His body was not recovered I Barn Destroyed By lire Plnevllle Ky May 29The barn 1 of Fuson who lives on C1earI creek in this county burned with all Its contents including four mules and a large quantity of feed stuff The origin of the fire Is unknown Raising a Relief Fund Pad cah Ky May 28A fund for the relief of the Jewish survivors of the recent Russian massacre was started by Hebrew citizens of hisby city The congregation of Temple Is rael will meet in a few days to tfJto up the matter TwentyOne Years in Prison Vknceburg Ky May 28 Thf Jury In the case of the state against Wm IUsScoll for murdering CC Beard found him guilty and fixed his punishment iiI prison at 21 years i The defendant BoPbnn ated delighted wjthUhciverdJct ii JI I oJJr hf Io I a II q3 2 c4 1 1 MORMON DEFIANCE 1 BrIgham Roberts Hurled It at the World at the Tabernacle Salt Lake Utah Juno 1 nigham Dm Roberts hurled a Mormon defiance the entire United States In the tab ernacle Sunday afternoon and In an address rcmarkablo for Its eloquence sarcasm and denunciation scored the Two Presbyterian general assembly whIchP been in session in Los Angeles MormonIsm he said has come to lie referred with withering sar to the warning uttered by ono the debates at tho general assem last week who likened Mormon grand to an octopus ant said that It can got an be civilized reformed nor educat of I hut it must ho crushed and that last time to strike is now The Church of Jesus Christ or Lat tier on Day Saints occupies a position sop lot exAlted that It can smile at the efforts Tom men to crush it or destroy it ho ed I hl Tho aimless reasoning and Im many potent utterances of these men are ono shafts that fall harmless at the feet of scn They can not deal with us ac Incl cording to the ordinary laws of civil light ration MormonIsm can not be reach by through civilization education or are reform is I SWEPT BY FIREJ new 300000 Loss In the Manufacturing judge his District In Racine Wisattl attl RacIne Wig Juno IFlro Sunday terest afternoon swept tho southern inanuh his facturing district of Racine doings sister 300000 damage The main losses fols Ilacinc Boat Manufacturing Cod factory lumber 100000 I Case 1threshIng 150000du duty Standard Oil Co tanks and shedse 25000 Half a dozen residences andt tack factories 25000a at The fire started in the boiler room the Racine Boat Manufacturing CothE the before the firemen had arrived ad dust I of gasoline which was storellda day ear by for use In tho gasoline boatrto ously uilt by the company exploded A tower of Came 300 feet high shot upw were the air but as It was Sunday not was about the factories and no one Ire as Injurcdba by bc QUARRELED OVER CRAP GAME clIJI len wo Negroes and a White Boy Killed sand a Third Terribly BeatenmE Cer Pittshurg Pa Juno ITwo Ne prl groos and a white boy were killed antic ral third Negro terribly beaten In a quarrel over a came of craps at High him ridge West Liberty Sunday after prl oon The enraged mob of whites hallon rope about the neck of tho third com Negro and were dragging him to an ree to lynch him when ho was ros lard officersw Both sides had revolvers and during ville battle a hundred or more shotsI were fired The quarrel was the reoLa uit of an attempt on the part of thom be white boys to break the crap game are THE ERIE POLICE FORCE Alt Alrei Ah Mayor Hardwick Has Accepted Their lIn Resignationb he Eric Pa June 1Hayor Hardwick duty as accepted the resignation of the citylie police force whose signatures were if ml fixed to the ultimatum sent to himtic ast Tuesday in which the 34 patrol ated stated that unless their salaries wore Increased from 60 to 75 before the Junn 15 they would leave the employ lion tho city At 7 oclock Monday wornw1 Chief Sul and the force will consist of Suli In ivan Capt Culhane Special QtncerIn Maishall and Clerk Luslin Indian Plague Bacillf th London Juno IThe Sofia corre fir spondent of tho Dally News says ho trl lewns that the revolutionary leaders 1 Bulgaria have obtained a quantity ice Indian plaguo bacilli and art de termincd that unless tho powersla terforo in their behalf to Infect Con sl slantlnople Saionlca and BerlinhI dl Baron HIrsh Monument New York June IIn a conspicu ous place in Central park Is soon to be erected a monument to Philanthropy bearing a tablet showing in relief busta the Baron and Baroness De Hirsh pi whose honor the memorial Is tn be nl raised Men of all creeds will unite tr giving to this tribute it tI Quarantined Mall and Merchandise Lima Peru Juno ITho merchantsU hero are trying to arrange with Ger el man steamers to bring from Panamael I malls and merchandise detained them through fear of contagion because of the existence of the bubonic plagut I herec Many Persons Injured tl Santa Barbara Cal June INear ly 30 persons were Injured by the falling of four coaches of the Southern Pacific southbound overland limited rassenger train down a 40 foot em binkment Into the Pacific ocean t1 eThree Young Men Drowned ItBrlstolR I June IWhile trying to reach a sailboat anchored about 50 pi yards from shore In Mount Hope bay 11 1Sunda7 evening a party of six Fall I River young men wore capsize and 11 three were drowned Will Resign His Seat 11Houston Tex Juno 1Congress man Ball representing the Eighth district has made public his I Intention of resigning bin seat duEl to the press of private business Tho cdrelgnatlon Is to take effect Nuvem ber 4 Rloa Sentenced to Death Manila June 1 Ruperto Rlo the fanatical Filipino leader in the pro vince of Tayabas who was recently gcapture has been convicted of murder 1 and sentenced to death Twenyaeven of his followers also were convicted 1 Woman Sentenced to Death Mon cello June LMms Kate Taylor was sentenced to death her execution being fixed for the week of July 5 Mrs Taylor shot her hus 1 atbafld and then cut up his body anl1I buined the dismembered patn irrth IIVstavo Short of Men Washington Juno 1Tho marine Lmcorpp is 1500 men short of its full 1 arqUola The navy department will er 1 tablish permanent recruiting headquarters 1 at Detroit and also send out foil itinerant recruiting parties I Woman Killed By Lightning Atlanta Qa June 1A furlnun thunder storm prevailed Sunday afternoon Miss Eula Higgins was killed by lightning while standing on the rear porch A Presbyterian church konear Grant park was struck by light fling and burned President Palma Signed the Act DrYllavana June 1 President Palma bos signed the act increasing the Ityof au coffee Tho resignation of Senor InCarillo second secretary of the Cuban legatlcu at Washington has been acceded 5 7 10 BE REINFORCED An nvilltfQjinpaiiy Receives Or ders to Go ftxJaekson Kywe an th thI Corpora gourtMartialed For ftfin hear Passing Through the Lines and ingly For Sleeping on DutyTroops any of Are Badly Worn Out Uti diare Jackson Ky May 2STho special tal rand Jury Wednesday afternoon bprll Investigation of the assassination and City Marshal James co*ckrlll hero July ffl lure Jackson Ky Way 2JThe frustraIU of what the troops believe was to rescue or kill Curtis Jctt and the two Whlto Wednesday night Increastv tension In Jackson Thursday How any men were involved beside the fired on and who returned tho FI sentrys fire and what relation tho Incident had to the playing of a search on the jail grounds from a near mountain side earlier In the night questions In which actual interest my felt Tho illness of Judge Rcdwlne put a irtaso on the entire situation If Mr condition grows worse a special itlge will probably be appointed Tho attempt to remove the special bailiff back Little Is a matter of much In The grounds offered are that brother married Mrs Mnrcum3DO BOW and that the lelatlonshlp might Influence him in the discharge of tho duties of sheriffw Tho flailing gun squad remained on all night and momentarily ex to pected to be called on to repel an at till Very few of the soldiers slept allCapt Ewen star witness In of Marcum Investigation shook tho ici of Jackson from his feet Thurs 11 sick both hurriedly anti unceremoni ease ouslc Lexington Ii yMay 30Orders ti wcrolssued at midnight to send moro troops to Jackson Col Roger Wil anis who was called to Lexington business Friday night received a are cipher message frum MaJ Embry Al who Is In command In his ab ir sence stating the necessity for moro en Col Williams Immediately con I erred with Gov Beckham who ap ly proved tho call Col Williams then called Capt Llllard of tho Danvillo company by telephone and ordered nl to Immedatcly assemble his men preparatory to coming to Lexington try a train arriving nt 6 oclock Tho cvf company left hero for Jackson at 740 arriving there at 11 Capt Lit said ho could bring 40 men They ere assembled and held at the Dan ule armory Friday night ing Col Williams later sent an order to Louisville for the company there to held In readiness for orders to move In case further reinforcements needed The message from Maj Allen did not state what prompted the requisition for more men Col Wil liams said It Is true that the men there have been heavily taxed In the rigid patrol uty required and more men will reo lieve this However I will not surmIse as to what development or an ticipation of what development actu ted Maj Allen Many people hi Lexington construe I call for more troops as confirma hn of the rumors that a force of men who proposed to rescue Ciictls Jell CO nd White was being recruited In tho Interior of Breathitt county Jackson Ky May 30Jackson was quiet Friday night and had been throughout the day Not a shot was fired and the soIcllerS anticipate no trouble The guards lire pretty badly worn out on account ofWltinuf serv Corps JQL 1gland were courttnartUicu oriStcounl of passing through the lines in four Instances and sleeping on duty in the second Jonca had been on duty 48 hours The verdict In both cases was kept secret Jackson Ky June Common wealths Attorney Byrd and Attorney Thomas Marcum brother of the man whom Jett and White are accused of assassinating who will assist In iha prosecution held a conference Sunday night and formally announced that the trials of the men would be held at this term of court Byrd said finally that he would not request or recommend a change of venue He says that the moral effect produced by the pres ence of the troops would be lost and the danger to witnesses if there ia danger would be increased Jurors will be secured from some other county It is believed that the defense will try for a continuance Capt A Burton of Shelby vlllo preached in a local church Sunday afternoon A few soldlers who could bo spared attended So far as can be observed the returning of a second Indictment against Jett charging him with James co*ck rills murder has not affected his peace of mind The sentries on Sunday night were looking for the searchlight which was seen again Saturday night The soldiers hope to locate It The town was quite Su day Hospitals For Consumptives Chicago June Chicago has now for the first time a hospital exclusive ly for consumptives Sunday Bishop Muldoon dedicated St Anns sanitarium The buildings were designed according to the most Improved methods Insurgent Band Besieged Salonica June 1Turltlsh troops are besieging an Insurgent band which occupies an fsland In Lake Amativa The besiegers have vainly tried to burn out the Insurgents with petro leum Secretary Shaw In Chicago Chicago May 30 Secretary of the Treasury Shaw arrived In Chicago Fri day from Washington on his way to meet President Roosevelt In Iowa A 111reception and luncheon will be given to Secretary Shaw Saturday by tho Hamilton club Worlds Visible Supply of Cotton New Orleans May 30 Secretary Hesters statement of the worlds visi ble supply of cotton shows a total vie ible of 2724820 against 3049068 last year Of this the total of American cotton Is 1571820 Ambassador Meyer Slightly Hurt 11nRome May 29 United States Ambassador Meyer was slightly hurt through an accident to his automobile The ambassador was driving a motor car from Clvltla Vecehla to Rome and was going ata pace of 20 miles an hour Opposed to Change of Name naBaltimore Md May 29By a vote of 143 to 5 the convention of the Prct estant Episcopal diocese of Maryland now In session here decided that It is inexpedient to make any ilTanges In the name of this lCthlJ eI 4 if iII THE AUTOMATIC WAITER 1 WAITERRI Illnnlrnllfe InManre of the Per fnnptor AVorklnjr or a 1I08h llmr ra Intellect I believe that there it no work In the world that makes such macl*tnrsi of men Joes the buincss of waiting in tome of thee quick lunch eating place said the liaines man The Imlln of tile waiters to work like phonograph What they in the way of order given them seem registered and reproduced without apparent mental activity or realization ofexactly what the order meant The other morning for instance I overheard otherf dialogue and monologue in a lark How restaurant Two men seated at the same table gave their order to the tame waiter from relates the New York Timei Bring me a couple of toftboiled egg ex a cup of iofFee aid the first niant Same thing for me waiter said theta fecond adding in a jocular way but be ami the eggs are fresh SII replyAnd the And a moment later his voice came from find back of the reMaurant Softboiled for Pe Petvoan the FIXING IT UPe son All Fnflirr unit tn Ilo SoniPlhln to Ie1 ore Cnn rfiiinrri nf III diito IlniiRhtprii Scorn of the Mr Smiflkins your daughter has scorned Two love ears the Houston 1ott tiae eh She has Funny girl aint she Yes she scorned me scorned me And Bid Smiftkins Well afl About that STO 1 loaned you sometimeafl 1 would like to have it imlllldiatllml balkll became she scorned ou1SIn I 1 Heeauie she scorned me Weil lemme tell you Im hard up right cine and Hi ando The money please coIf she hadnt corned you you wouldnt I trial want it would you Ico youWhyerno mppo not this Well Ill elf you what Ill do Ill talk for toto the first of the month i Minnesota MnnH Dlncovcry Adrian Minn June 1st Philip Doyle this place says he has found out a med Ave Aicinc Trouble As Mr Doyle was himself very feafC and is now apparently as well as ever his statement carrics tte confirmation ing of peronal expcrienleS experienceThe The remedy that cured Mr Doyle is called Dodd Kidney Pills mIn speaking of the pill Mr Doyle says Ir In regard to I odds Kidney Pill they certainly a wonderful medicine the ta best that 1 have ever taken In InI dlKidner help me till I tried DooMe Kidney Pill I uted altogether about ten boxes and tim fay emphatically that 1 am OlIIpleteI cured 1 am entirely well without a ing inlsmplolft 1 can heartily recommend Dodds Kid here ney Pills to anyone whois suffering withph Kidney Trouble for they made me all righta I have advised several of my friends to frl them and not one has been dUappoint kno be the Lively WnIh th To one unfamiliar with country nomlnclath ture the question asked by the young man might not seem wholly unnatural And were you never in the country dur the se on of hukingbees Mr STO asked the young lady 11 No The idea How do you bUlk hi bee anyway Philadelphia Press and and CHEAP TO COLORADO dOl The IJurlluetonn Cheap Rates for a Sat is mer Online re Take your vacation in Colorado Remarkably tb cheap dally tourist rates ntlertu June 1st and from July 1st to 10th round I ern trip rates are less than halt CHEAP TO MINNESOTA To this beautiful summer region dally low tourist ratexof approximately one fare 1 plus 300 round trip CHEAP TO Ciuronsii Special half rates round trip to California to July lt to 10th Low round trip rates less than one fare from August let to 14th Write mo describing proposed route WVTAKKLEr GPA Burlington Route 1 OOi Pius Street St Louis iloT tl The fool site down and waits for extraordinary opportunities to come his way but the wife man gra ps common chances and proceeds to make them great Chicago Daily XeIIJpI There are only two things folks can say about me which make me mad said the con pholoopbcr One is the truth and theI other is a lieVTown Topics I Some folksr aWCncTeT b11 is busy rJiive became they hab a heap work to do an some becaue dry wints to git away an go fishin Washington Star The Klean Kool Kitchen Kind is thefe trade mark on stoves which enable you to to cook in comfort in a cool kitchen A circus can pull a sick boout of bed fter three doctors have failed Chicago Daily News Pios Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and coldsN Samuel Ocean Grove Feb 17 1900 The gourmets rule Never put off till tomorrow what you can eat toda1on kers Statesman Three trains a da Chicago to Califor nia Oregon and Washington Chicago Union Pacific NorthWeitern Line Where there is much pretension there is much deceit Addison Opium nUll LIquor Habit Cured Book reo MWoolley AtlantaQa 9 Candour without courtesy is not courage Rams Horn Putnam Fadeless Dyes cost but 10 cents per package Not failure but loir aim is crimeJ LowelL MARKET REPORT Cincinnati May 30 CATTLECommon 3 25 0 4 10 Butcher steers 4 65 01 5 00 CALVESExtra tW 6 50 HOGS Ch packers 5 95 00 Mixed packers 575 590 SHEEP Clipped 3 90 4 00 LAMBSSpring 7 30 7 50 FLOURSprIng pat 4 00 4 30 WHEATNo 2 red 4 76 YJ fed CORN No 2 mixed 47 2 OATS No 2 mixed ttJ 35 Vj RYE No 2 56 1 57 HAYCh timothy 18 00 I 1 PORKClear family 19 45a LARDSteam 37 Vt BUTTER Ch dairy 13 Vi 1 Choice creamery 23 APPLESFancy 3 50 3 75 POTATOESPer bbl 2 15 fj 2 25 TOBACCO Nev 4 35 gjii 50 1 Old 690 12 50 Chicagoe FLOURwinter pat 3 50 3 60 WHEAT No 2 red 74 77 1 1o CORNNo2 mixed 45 46 I OATS No 2 mixed 1 34 3s RYE No 2 48 1 PORKMess 17 3717 50 I 1 I LARD Steam 8 72 2 8 75 1 New York FLOURWin sfrts 3 50 3 65 WHEAT No 2 red 84 CORN No 2 mixed 55 OATSNo 2 mixed fJl 39 Vi Jan PORK Family 19 00 LARD Steam 9 15 Baltimore WHEAT No 2 red 81 CORNNo 3 mixed 1W 53 OATS No 2 mixed 40 41 CATTLEButchers 5 40 5 75 HOGSWestern 6 65 6 70 anLouisville WHEAT No 2 red 77 CORNNo3 mixed tji 49 OATSNo 3 mixed 34 PORKMess 17 BO LARDSteam 975 Indianapolis WHEATNo 2 red 72Yz 41CORNNo FOATSNo I cz I 4 CI i 7 ftl REGISTER OF THE S1 TREASURY I USES PERUNA FOR SUMMER CATARRH Summer Catarrh Afflicts Men and Women ON JUDSON LYONS HON Register of the United States treasury in a letter rom Washington says I I flnil Pcrunit to be an excellent remedy for the ca tarrhal affections of spring nti summer and those who suffer from depression from heat of the summer will no remedy the equal of Peruna JtidsonV Lyons No man is bettor known in financial world than Jud Lyons formerly of Augusta On His name on every piece of money of recent makes his signature one the most familiar ones in United Status Interesting Letters from Thankful Women Miss Camilla Chartier 5 West Lex ngtonSt Baltimore writes Late suppers gradually affected my digestion and made me a iniserabledyspeptic suffering intensely at times took several kinds of medi cinovhicliwcre prescribed by different physicians but still continued to suffer Hut the of one bottle of Peru on convinced me that it would rid me of trouble so I continued taking it several weeks and I was in excellent health having gained ten pounds Miss Camilla Chartier Summer Catarrh Mrs Kate Holm 1119 Wllloughby Brooklyn writes When I wrote you I was troubled with frequent headaches dizzy strange feeling in the head sleeplessness sink feelings faintness and numbness Sometimes I had heartburn My food would rise to my throat after every meal and my bowels were very irregular I I wrote you for advice and I now take pleasure in informing you that my improvement is very great indeed I not expect to improve so quickly Not Acquainted with It The Sunday chool teacher wa impress on her pupils that discomfort imprelolJ follows wrongdoing What is it hurts you ere when youre naughty she atked placing her hand on her chest Stomach small urchin replied memories of stolen fruits coming into his mind And do you know laid the teacher those little heathen mentioned nearly every organ in body and never mentioned that abstract thins a con eienceX Times those Delightful Americana Here a story the truth of which i Touched for ban English lady resident in Florence She bas a balcony that overhangs a street in which are some shops a few days ago an American mother nd daughter paused to look in at the window and interchanged tbe following remarks 1 amief are you quite lure that this Venice Why yes mamma was the reply you know it says in our itinerary that we are to be in Venice on April 15 anil today is April 13 sure London Mod Society All There to It Tell me pleaded the artless maid wherein lies the ecret of the art of con versation The MSe affected the attitude he was wont assume when in the act of imparting vkdoni and raid My child liten 13m listening breathlessly she answered Well my child he rejoined tharis the art of conversing sgreeablyStray Stories Concerning AVool De older er man sits said the colored parson de hahder it am ter pull de wool obcr his eyes How does yo all account foh dat par parI aonl asked Deacon Flatfoot Ah account foh it on de groun dt de older a man gits de less wool he have answered fwered the parson with a grin that would tsve fn chtened a chicken out of its wits Cleveland leader Pnttlnir Him Wine Say queriedthe man who was looking for free informatlJn can you put me nest a found investment i Sure replied the successful speculator liuy ticket for a symphony concert Cincinnati Enquirer I A How wasteful of that gardener mur inured the star boarder as he bit savagely but hopele ly at his asparagus How 11 that asked the landlady Why if he bad let these stalks grow one week longer be could have sold tram for telegraph poles ltiraoi1e AmericanA letUe hu been mentioned as a candidate for olties very frequently I Yes answered Farmer Corntoi el the only trouble is that everytime anybody mentions him the other fellers laugh Washington Star Miss Tassay cOlAm just think 1 List evening he suddenly caugntime in his arms and kifted me Miw repprey He always W83 good hearted fellowand to unselfish Philadelphia Press Tbe reward of one duty the power to fulfill another Eliot People who accomplish most make the least noise Chicago Daily Xews Ion Judson Lyons after Buffering for five longycars I am feeling very good and strong I thank you so much for Peruna I shall rec ommend it to all suffering with the effects of catarrh and I consider it household blessing I shall never be without Ieruna For those phases of catarrh peculiar to summer Peruna will be found cflica ciousPeruna Peruna cures catarrh in all phases and stages If ypudo not derive prompt and Satisfactory results from the use of Ieruna write nt once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Ilartmtm Sanitarium ColumbusO ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine Carters Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of See FoeSimile Wrapper Below Vi mall oU I easy to take ns so Jnr A JnrTFOa HEADACHE CARTERS IOu DiZZINESS ITTLEFOR BIUOUSNESS IVER FOR TORPID LIVERI TL5 fOIt CONSTIPATIONI 5 UFOR SALLOW SKIN rOR THE COMPLEXION n1DOIUaTIlAY 5mewg 4ErnJIreu 5mewgjutPureIy spoefl CURE SICK HEADACHE TbeLchit a Glass 0 ijIitbt bright lit e7 Seeped tae TOK in hem cbttUand acquire toond tmllh and buoyant pJrlU 1 from tar kTVU lxrrens HfresRootbeer Rootbeer thetrratbotweatber drtaZtsotdeTerl I hcze or lent by mall for is cu maUforSSctlA A package aatesflysaUOiiI flu Emrei to 1 HsImnPi LlnrsjtI Her Preference Fashionable Doctor My dear young lady you are drinking unfiltered water which swarms with animal organisms You should have it boiled that will kill them Patient Well doctor 1 think Id ooner be an aquarium than a cemetery London TitBill Three solid through trains daily Chicago to California Chicago Union Pacific NorthWestern Line A ShcI do so lore the springtime He So do I 1 adore it One medicine tales are always the biggest in the pringllos ton Transcript GRIPPE HURT KIDNEYS I His lingering results of La Grippe remain with the kidneys for a long time They suffer from over exertion and the heavy drugs of Grippe medl cines Doans Kidney Pills overcome this condition AUROIU NEW MEXICO I received tho free sample of Doans Kidney Pills whIch I ordered for a girl nine years old that was suffering with bed wetting and she Improved very fast The pills acted directly on the bladder In her caseand topped the trouble LUCEHO BATTLE CUKKE 1IrcJLfy husband received the sample of Doans Kidney Pills and has taken two more boxes and feels like a new man He is a flreinan on the Grand Trunk and the work Is bard on the kidneys Mrs GEO GrrFOBD PLUTT VA The free trI of Deans Kidney Pills acted so well with me I wrote Uoaff the druggist at Point Pleasant to send me three boxes with tho result I have gained In weight as well as entirely rid of my kidney trouble My water had become very offensive and con tamed a white sediment and cloudy I would have to get up six and seven times during the night and then the voIding would dribble and cause frequent attempts but thanks to Doans Kidney Pills they have regulated all that and I cannot oralse them too much JAB A LANDAU MAP IHOWING LONG ISLAND RR IMAP AND MONTAUK STEAMBOAT GOS UN Aching backs are eased Hip back and loin pains overcome Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish They correct urine with brick dust BCd ment high colored pain In passing drib bUng frequency bed wetting Doana Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel Relieve heart palpitation sleeplessness headache nervousness dizziness Iii FREEl MA 1 this upon KBs with your nutt so CIHTS address 5tctTOw for rreij voeicnaptrrr trial box FOtTIBMlUUR1 Co 13Jdalo Please mall me free trial box Doan Kidney lulL lulL1ame Name 1amerostenree rostenree I rostenreeState Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential i 1 ee a c4s FSrIqe 1 TORTURING DISFIGURING Skiflj Scalp and Blood Humours From Pimples to Scrofula From Infancy to Age Speedily Cured 6y Outleura When AllIse Falls The agonizing Itching and burning of if the skin as In czema the frightful scaling asia psoriasis the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp asia scalled bead the facial disfigurements in acne and ringworm the awful suffer lug of infants and anxiety of worn i out parents as la milk crust tetter and salt rheum all demand remedy of almost superhuman vlrtnen to success fully cope with them That Cutlcnra Soap Ointment andHesolrent are inch stands proven beyond alidoubt No statement Is made regarding them that Is not Justified by the strongest evi dence The purity and sweetness the power to afford Immediate relief the certainty of speedy and permanent cure the absolute safety and grea conomy have made them the standard akin cures blood purifiers and humour rente dies of the civilized world Bathe the affected ports With hot water and Cuticuma Soap to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle Dry without rubbing and apply Cntlcura Oint ment freely to allay Itching irritation and inflammation and soothe and heal and lastly take Cutlcnra Resolvent to cool and cleanse the blood This com plete local and constitutional treatment affords Instant relief permits rest and sleep In the severest Jonas of eczema and other itching burning and scaly humours of the skin scalp and blood and points to a speedy permanent and economical cure when all else falls Sold throeght its o1d CetisiitEnoimUOsdt loim of Chocolau Coated K1U He eqs rf ou Oimt ntt Oc8op2Jc epU i London iJChtrUrtraw qi riru 5 51 lUF xiBoitnl3r CcluakuAr fain Dreg fe Cbtm Corp Bolt Pnprlilon Sf3mftnt ln to Cat Even llumont WHATS WRONG Are you sick Do you feel under the weather Suffer from shooting or aching pains Consumption If so your blood and nerves are probably in need of some special vitalizing food like VVf IK I i i OzomtdsiQ CI kzMLa1a 1AlLtt11hUa Ozomukfon is a vitalizing and purifying blood and nerve food which prevents and scientifically certainly and safely drives disease out of the human system It is not merely a food It Is not only a medicinpj medicinpjIt It is a pleasant emulsion combin es ing the health properties of both Cures Consumption and all Lung Troubles I For sale everywhere in large bottles Weighing Over Two Pounds TRY IT FREE Free sijvples will be entto everyone who will send their complete tddresa ty letter orpjosVLcardVUn Ozomulsion Food Co 98 Pine Street Newitorkj Colorado Wants You Vacation outings among snow clad peaks and flashing trout streams of Colorado 4 Lowrate excursions all slimmer fr 1 Cheap prices at resort hotel or camp out 1 Go there on the Colorado Flyer i the Santa Fe superb newtrainj Kansas City to Puebld Colorado Springs and Denver litixUripnsly equipped 4with observation Pullmans library sfnolyuig car and chair cars Aqufck night ride il 5 r1 Ask fqr feccopy of beautiful book A Coibraifo Snmmtr trilA ft GEOTGOXNirj OenAitC1 Atchison 5opekoS3ntaFpu4t1w1Oe 7 WkiautSt ClncJnnttljp Sante In gitat satiety for aia thi i lownt prlc i by LxsltggopperCs3 nTins SiCidlAii i A KE 1972 LIFE SIZE CRAYON lice Mofcltr liuloCo liU ce8UCiiielnii uU JJI 1 rL1 Th ffinjsiljL 000 ZIXJ 11ILC CL OF ALL COAST fiaf I I AlWB lKaas1111181 25OMILESOgCOASTIINL Lyln across the pathot thaOceial 4 RESORTS LlMVI I 1 A IM L9 South Winds BTerr section Is made comfortable Dy tbeta prevylllniif mmetr rtnd I VowleVJIIililanils on onb Shot Itnlllnu Country In the Central Section and aplfndld Beaches and Bayftoa tto Ocean Shore la ctottl touch with Few York City by TraM Telegraph and Telephone Send 4e In stamps for Summer Homes alliS of boarding houses and lwtl a toLONQ ISLAND 8AILCOAD dOMPANV JO Hlih Ateuue New Ytk BOWASO HSHlTBOcnl PaurAtt HBrULLEITONSpMl At i i I ISf rLIr lIlIJ 1 5 5 aVi4 4 I.
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